Retreats & Immersions

Shaktipat Retreat

The profound inward path of Svaroopa® Vidya begins with you receiving the initiation that awakens the inner energy of upliftment within you.  In this weekend meditation retreat, Swami Nirmalananda formally gives shaktipat to every person there. She is a Kundalini master, initiated and authorized to transmit this powerful initiation. She explains the process and purpose as well as how you cooperate with the inner force that is burn ing within you, in-light-ening you day by day.for the highest purpose of human life — the knowing of your own divine Self. Click for more information.

3-10 day Retreats in India, Australia & PA

Swamiji teaches frequent retreats in multiple locations.  Click for more information

Meditation Teacher Training

Plan now so that you can complete your prerequisites for this professional training.  More info.


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