Meditation Courses

Learn To Meditate

Learn how to access the peace and ease of deep meditation in this course. It takes only three class meetings to get from busy mind to the inner depth and dimensionality you always wanted. Meditation becomes one of the reliable highlights of your day.  Taught online, you can access the course on your smartphone, tablet or computer.

Tuition: $55 (includes 3 class meetings and a meditation journal). Click for more info/

Shaktipat Retreat

Your spiritual progress is accelerated by receiving Shaktipat Initiation.  Consciousness resides in its fullness within every human being. This cosmic power of creation and revelation, in her hidden aspect, is called “Kundalini.” This is the force underlying the power and ease of all the Svaroopa® Sciences taught by Satguru Swami Nirmalananda (Gurudevi).  

She is a Kundalini Master, initiated and authorized to transmit this powerful initiation. She explains the process and purpose as well as how you cooperate with the inner force that is burning within you, in-light-ening you day by day. 

Online or On-Site - click for more info.


This is at-home self-paced study, devling into the mystical teachings and experiences described in the texts.  Gurudevi shows you the way in her online Telecourses featuring both articles and videos:  Find out which courses are currently available:


Svaroopa® Yoga

Meditation:  Deep & Easy

Explore the blissful inner realms of your own Divine Essence.  




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