Teacher Training

A New Way to Live

“I am very proud to be a Svaroopa® yoga student and teacher. The practice has transformed my life, enabling me to regularly access a deep inner peace, leading me into a regular meditation practice, and much more, which is not easily put into words…but which others experience/see in my being.” 

As a Svaroopa® Yoga teacher, you lead students into experiencing their bodies in a whole new way, providing profound physical changes by means of a quick and easy process. Our comprehensive yoga teacher training (YTT) prepares you to serve others to transform their bodies, minds and more, through offering classes as well as one-on-one yoga therapy sessions.

Our thorough training includes a full year of at-home mentoring, making you a proficient and confident yoga teacher with exceptional skill in handling diverse bodies. Your training also guarantees you rapid personal transformation as well as profound experiences of the Bliss of your own Being.  See our brochures by clicking below:

YTT brochure (USA)

ATT brochure (USA)

Svaroopa® yoga is a practice is based in spinal decompression, using props and precise alignments in a pose sequence that goes from tail to top. Sophisticated use of props make you able to meet any student’s body where it is at, from athletic through gentle levels.

Accreditations & Affiliations

Yoga Alliance recognizes our Teacher Training at the 200-hour and 500-hour levels (RYS) as does Yoga Australia. 

Our Yoga Therapist Training is accredited by the International Association of Yoga Therapists (IAYT). 

We also offer advanced levels of professional training, including advanced yoga, guided self-inquiry, meditation and yoga philosophy, with a total of 17 advanced certifications. 

“I teach because of what Svaroopa® yoga has reawakened within me…physically, spiritually and emotionally."  — Loretta Forsythe 

Certified Svaroopa® Yoga Basics Teacher (CBT)

Having successfully completed Foundations of Svaroopa® Yoga, you need only 150 more hours of training.  This component is the equivalent of getting your Associate of Arts degree as a yoga teacher.  You take your trainings in this order:

  • YTT 1:  6 day immersion
  • DTS 1:  4 months at-home mentoring
  • YTT 4:  6 day immersion
  • DTS 4:  4 months at-home mentoring 

Certified Svaroopa® Yoga Teacher (CSYT)

Following successful completion of YTT Components A & B, Embodyment® Yoga Therapy Training and Radical Anatomy for Yogis, you are eligible to become a Certified Svaroopa® Yoga Teacher (CSYT). Becoming a CSYT is the equivalent of getting your Bachelor of Arts degree as a yoga teacher.  This certification qualifies you as an RYT 500 with Yoga Alliance.  As a Certified Svaroopa® Yoga Basics Teacher, you have fulfilled the prerequisite for your next level of training, which includes:

  • Embodyment® Yoga Therapist Training & DTS*
  • Radical Anatomy*
  • YTT Component B (series of four trainings):
    • YTT 3:  8 day immersion
    • DTS 3:  4 months at-home mentoring
    • YTT 4:  8 day immersion
    • DTS 4:  4 months at-home mentoring

*You must complete Embodyment® and Radical Anatomy before beginning YTT 4.  

 Click here to read more or click here for our YTT brochure.

Advanced Teacher Training & Yoga Therapist Certifications

Your professional training doesn’t have to end once you’re a certified Svaroopa® Yoga Teacher. Advanced Teacher Training (ATT) allows you to set a course that can take you to 3,000 hours or more in a delicious process of lifelong learning. Click here for our ATT brochure. 

You may begin your ATT courses after completing YTT Level 2, though most courses become available once you earn your CSYT certificate. Choose your level of mastery while earning certifications after every 2-3 courses. The knowledge and depth you attain at this level is equivalent to a Master’s Degree in yoga.



*The YOGA ALLIANCE® and YA are federally registered trademarks of YAplus, d/b/a Yoga Alliance®, and are used with permission.  The yoga therapy components of our courses are based on Svaroopa® Yoga Therapy protocols, not derived from our status as a RYS with the Yoga Alliance Registry.

Svaroopa® Yoga

Consciousness Yoga

Experience yoga’s promise — the knowing of your own Self as Consciousness-Itself. Beyond the poses or stress relief, the true goal is the bliss of your own being, named svaroopa in the ancient texts. Svaroopa® yoga reveals your own Divinity.